October 23, 2012

New Crossroads spot features parents of cancer-stricken son whom Romney helped

"Much of Romney's momentum has come from women who are dissatisfied with Obama's economic results and no longer buy Obama's caricature of Romney," said Steven Law, president and CEO of the Crossroads groups. "Our advertising simply echoes the economic concerns most women have and makes a personal connection to Romney."
The Republican-leaning outside group Crossroads GPS is launching a new spot in Ohio and Wisconsin featuring a couple who offered a testimonial about Mitt Romney's aid to their dying son during the GOP convention.

The spot, a copy of which was provided to POLITICO, goes on the air today with a $4.1 million buy fueling it, the group's officials said.

It features Ted and Pat Oparowski, who knew the Romneys through their church and whose son, David, was diagnosed with cancer in 1979. Mrs. Oparowski talks in the spot about her son and Romney developing "quite a friendship," asking Romney to help him write a will and asking him to give the eulogy at the funeral.

"To spend time with a 14-year-old boy in his last days — you cannot help but know that he's caring," she says. "He cares about people and about their needs. I think he's going to be able to get us back on track. I really do."

Testimonial ads about Romney, either from his campaign or from outside groups, have been relatively rare — the pro-Romney group Restore Our Future has done the few that have aired.
This spot is the emotional counterweight to a more nuts-and-bolts economic message that GPS and its affiliate, American Crossroads, have launched in an $11.1 million targeted advertising push in swing states aimed at women voters, which the group says it will keep up through Election Day.
The spot unveiled last week was called "Sack It," featuring a woman interrupting an Obama campaign spot to ask questions about the economy. There has also been a separate radio push. The moves come as polls have shown Obama's support with women slipping some in the wake of the Denver debate.

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