It's all too easy to neglect the physical aspects of your relationship when you're caught up in the demands of the modern world. Couples are often too drained or too busy for sex during the week, Day's study found.
"After a long day in the office followed by a stressful commute, you can understand how sex may be the last thing on people's mind," she said.
The study encompassed 2,000 adult women, examining the more physical aspects of their relationships. On average, researchers found that the women reported having sex only two times a week with their significant other.
Or maybe that's a whopping two times a week, depending on your situation.
”Twice a week seems to be the average number of times a couple gets to have some bedroom action, but there are couples that have sex a lot more than this," Day explained. "Every couple is different, though, and what works for one may not suit another."
In her study, Day found that "I'm too tired" was the most popular excuse for not having sex, followed by "I'm not in the mood," and the old classic, "I've got a headache."
But despite all of that, the good news is most people are satisfied with the frequency and quality of sex with their partners, at least in Day's study. She found that most of her subjects rated their sex lives three out of five.
So while we're on the subject, the study included a few other interesting statistics:
And with those kinky statistics, I bid you adieu. Enjoy your weekend, wink wink.
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