October 04, 2012

Ron Livingston 'proud' of TV anchor sister Jennifer

9:55AM EST October 4. 2012 - Did you notice that the last name of the Wisconsin anchorwoman at the center of that controversy regarding her weight is Livingston?
Jennifer Livingston made news earlier this week when she fired back on air at a viewer who e-mailed her to complain about her weight, saying that as a "local public personality," she wasn't a "suitable" role model for youth, particularly girls. Livingston said that the e-mailer did not know her, and that she was "much more than a number on the scale."

She garnered a lot of fans with her remarks. Among those fans: actor Ron Livingston, her brother.
In a statement issued Wednesday evening, he said he was "extremely proud" of his sibling.
"My sister Jennifer ... brings an exceptional dedication to her job, her family, and her community, and has been a role model of mine for many, many years," the Office Space actor said

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