October 03, 2012

Mitt Romney

Latest From the Campaign Trail

Mr. Romney held a rally in Pueblo, Colo., on Monday before departing for New York to speak at the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting on Tuesday. President Obama is also scheduled to address the meeting after Mr. Romney. Campaign aides are seeking to shift to a busier schedule in the field, recognizing that Mr. Romney needs more time on the campaign trail if he is to halt what appears to be slowly building momentum, at least in opinion polls, for Mr. Obama, who has taken a small but worrying lead in some swing states after months in which the race had seemed deadlocked.

Assessing Romney’s Chances

Mitt Romney is best known for his credentials as a business executive. He served as Massachusetts governor for one term and he has been running for president nearly nonstop since 2007, but his strength as a businessman is an advantage in an election dominated by economic discussions. Mr. Romney is trying to persuade voters that President Obama’s policies have not worked and that he should be elected to complete the nation’s economic recovery. The room for error for Mr. Romney is narrow. He must win several states that voted Democratic four years ago, particularly a combination of Florida, North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia and at least one other state. His campaign is also trying to catch up to the president’s team, which has been steadily building an organization for more than a year. He must energize Republicans, while appealing to independent voters, including many of those who supported Mr. Obama last time.

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