October 11, 2012

Lindsay Lohan SPEAKS: Dina Was Sober! Michael Is SHAMEFUL!

This is… you know what? We’re actually at a loss for words!
Moments ago, Lindsay Lohan did something we thought she would never do. In light of her recent drama with her mother Dina Lohan, and all of the wild speculations as of late, Lindsay decided to defend herself today.

Mostly, Lindsay wanted to clear the air about what happened between she and her mother Tuesday night in New York. Shockingly, Lindsay swears that while they got into a very heated argument, she confesses she LIED to her father Michael about Dina being high on cocaine. In fact, she swears that Dina wasn’t even drinking at the restaurant – not a bar! – that they were hanging out at.
In speaking out today, she shared:
"I told my dad a really hurtful and untruthful lie about my mom. She was not on cocaine … Daughters have fights with their moms. It happens a lot. It's normal."
Yes, but not all of them are broadcasted over the Internet! Speaking of which, it sounds like the only person Lindsay is pissed at right now is her father for taking advantage of her in a time of need to get a little attention. She insists that the recording he released was edited to "his benefit" and that she should've "known better" than to trust him.
While she maintain that "a girl always wants a relationship with her dad," she claims that she is official “done” with her Michael, adding that “as a man, you don’t do this to your child.” She then went on to say:
“I’m ashamed for him. It is hurtful for me that he has chosen this road again.”
There we have to agree with you, Lindz! There we have to WHOLE-HEARTEDLY agree with you?
But does anyone else worry that she is covering up for Dina? We all saw her on Dr. Phil and Lindsay sounded pretty devastated during that phone call.

Was their fight really just a "personal argument" that escalated with Lindsay got "disrespectful," like she claims … or is Lindsay more loyal to her mother than any of us ever knew?!

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