September 20, 2012

lady_adp - Scientists name a new type of wasp after Lady Gaga

Scientists name a new type of wasp after Lady Gaga 

By Rajat Rauth 3 days ago

 Using a new system of DNA barcoding, scientists in Thailand have discovered a new kind of wasp, and named it aleiodes gaga, after Lady Gaga.

Despite how it may sound, having a parasitoid wasp named after you is no insult. Many important people have organisms with their namesake, from Matt Groening to Che Guevara, as well as a long list of musicians, a few of which are listed below.
While nothing may come of the Gaga bug (save some extra attention for the scientists), it wouldn’t surprise me if she called her next perfume “wasp,” and made it out of something so horrible it stings when applied.
 Mick JaggerAegrotocatellus jaggeri, a type of trilobite (an extinct marine anthropod) discovered in 1995
Jerry GarciaCryptocercus garciai, a wood roach, possibly named with another kind 
of roach in mind.
Henry RollinsAmphinema rollinsi, a jellyfish named by a Monterey Bay Aquarium
 jelly expert who’s a fan of Rollins’ work.
Frank ZappaPhialella zappai, also a jellyfish, named by an Italian scientist angling to'
 meet Frank Zappa.
Green DayMacrocarpaea dies-viridis, a night-blooming flower.
Neil YoungMyrmekiaphila neilyoungi, a species of trapdoor spider discovered in 2007.
Sid ViciousArcticalymene Viciousi, a trilobite named in 1997 alongside A. cooki, A
. jonesi, A. matlocki, and A. rotteni.
BeyoncéScaptia (Plinthina) beyonceae, a horsefly with a golden booty named after a 
fly girl with a golden booty.
David BowieHeteropoda davidbowie, a large, yellow, hairy spider found in Malasia.


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